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Alcohol and the Eye PMC

Some temporary effects occur when you drink, and other effects take time to develop and can be permanent. Heavy drinking […]

The impacts of high alcohol consumption on your vision

Some temporary effects occur when you drink, and other effects take time to develop and can be permanent. Heavy drinking drains your body’s natural blurry vision after drinking alcohol reserves – which may result in optic neuritis. This condition inflames the optic nerve, leading to loss of central vision and blurry vision.

Can Alcohol Affect Eye Pressure or Contribute to Glaucoma?

The impacts of high alcohol consumption on your vision

The Visual Maze Test was used to evaluate eye movements during the search of the maze exit. This task was developed by Santos, Campos Neto, Sousa, Pessoa, and Nogueira [40] in the Perception, Neuroscience, and Behavior Laboratory of the Federal University of Paraíba. This test shows areas that, which in a brief period of time, it must be decided which path to follow (decision points).

How Alcohol Affects Your Eyes

In this research, the overall visual performance is mainly constituted by fusional vergences and stereoacuity, highlighting the importance of these binocular functions on the simulated driving performance. Stereopsis is considered the most advanced state of binocular vision, contributing to seeing depth (three-dimensional perception)72. Although stereopsis is usually characterized by maximum disparity72 and stereoacuity, the latter is the main visual function used in clinical practice, and it is sensitive to ocular changes, influencing binocular visual performance73.


The same study also noted alcohol’s possible link with geographic atrophy. This refers to an irreversible deterioration of the delicate tissues beneath the retina in the eye that’s part of late stage AMD that leads to permanent vision loss. While it’s unclear whether there’s a direct cause-and-effect relationship between drinking alcohol and AMD, research suggests that alcohol consumption may worsen this eye disease.

Bigger pupils and heavy drinking

Typical eye movements whilst scanning an image can be classifies as saccades and fixations [19–21]. Saccades are ballistic movements of the eye itself from one point of the visual scene to another, whereas fixations refer to the time between the saccades in which the eye presents minimal movements [21]. Considerable progress has been recorded in the understanding of the brain processes that assist in the eye movement control. The CS of the mesencephalon is closely involved in the eyes movement control, receiving visual information from multiple cortical regions, as the region of the rostral pole of CS is crucially involved in fixation and triggering of the saccade [16]. We also evaluated vergence facility (VF), which assesses the ability of the fusional vergence system to respond to changes in vergence demands over time.

Increased Sensitivity to Light

The impacts of high alcohol consumption on your vision

While this might seem like a minor issue, frequent alcohol consumption can lead to lasting damage in these blood vessels, exacerbating the red appearance. Reducing alcohol consumption is key to preventing this irritation and maintaining clear, healthy eyes. The eyes work harder to compensate for their reduced efficiency, leading to strain.

The impacts of high alcohol consumption on your vision

The effects may be short term, such as blurred or double vision, or they may be long term and potentially permanent. Alcohol tends to affect the speed at which your iris constricts and dilates. A driver that has been drinking alcohol cannot adapt as quickly to oncoming headlights. Your muscles might not move as effectively while you are under the influence of alcohol. When this happens, you may have blurred vision or double vision due to weakened eye-muscle coordination.

  • In addition, the reduction in the levels of this recept in the brain of alcoholic individuals supports the hypothesis that the interaction between alcohol and GABA is implicated in a dysfunction in the CNS [13–14].
  • Always seek the advice of your optometrist or other qualified health provider for all professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
  • A search of the literature published from 1952 to March 2020 was performed.

While the occasional drink may not lead to lasting damage, frequent and excessive alcohol use can cause significant and sometimes irreversible effects on visual health. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed in almost all cultures, and the negative impacts of alcohol on public health are related to chronic use and moderate acute consumption [1, 45]. The alcohol works as a depressor of the CNS [7, 12], which may alter diffusely cognitive and perceptual processes [2, 6, 18]. Therefore, the present study examined the effects of moderate acute alcohol ingestion (0.08% BAC) on the eye movement pattern, as an indicator of cognitive processing [34].

ToleranceEveryone has a different tolerance for alcohol; you may be different from someone else who drinks the same amount. It has been suggested that men drink no more than 4 units per day and women drink no more than 3 units per day. According to Medical Daily, drinking in moderation should not cause any long-term problems to eyesight. Possible treatments include corrective lenses or glasses to correct blurred or distorted vision and use of eye drops to address bloodshot eyes. Dry eyes may cause discomfort, such as a gritty or scratchy feeling, and temporary blurred vision because the eye’s surface is not adequately lubricated.

The impacts of high alcohol consumption on your vision

It ensures that every aspect of your health is monitored and supported, from detox through to long-term strategies for staying sober. If you’re considering a change in your life, remember that it’s safer and more effective to have a team of professionals guiding you every step of the way. Overcoming addiction is a journey that often requires more than just good intentions.



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